Thigh Liposuction

Send Your Saddlebags Packing!
Some of the most dramatic results in any kind of liposuction are obtained when shaping the thigh region. “Thunder thighs” can be an embarrassing source for men and women and can be almost impossible to get rid of with diet and exercise alone. One of the reasons for this is that the shape of our thighs is often inherited from our parents. Unfortunately, the saddlebags that you got from your mom or dad are the gift that keeps on giving no matter how much weight you lose!
The good news is that thigh liposuction using the WaterLipo® procedure yields some of the most dramatic body shape changes of any procedure that we do. WaterLipo® under tumescent local anesthesia is an extremely safe procedure that will remove the fat from the inner and outer thighs. This procedure will help you to obtain the shapely, proportionate thighs and legs that you have always wanted.
WaterLipo® of the thighs is the safest, fastest way to beautiful legs and to a newly enhanced you! The WaterLipo® procedure only requires a localized anesthetic to numb the targeted area. It does not require dangerous general anesthesia or IVs. The procedure is done in our office while the patient is awake and coherent. The tumescent anesthesia completely numbs up the area and there is minimal discomfort. Only tiny incisions are made for access of the 3 mm body jet cannula which gently washes away the fat.
All procedures are performed on-site at our state-of-the-art office in Las Vegas, WI. Again, WaterLipo® is the safest and most effective alternative to traditional liposuction and is the most advanced liposuction technology in the world today. Here are some other advantages to Thigh WaterLipo®:
- Thigh WaterLipo® produces noticeable and immediate results, especially since thighs are like a storage site for fatty deposits. The procedure leaves patients ecstatic because they can see an incredible difference even before they leave the office.
- The surgery only lasts about one hour. WaterLipo® removes the fat and tightens the skin in that area. Because the patient is awake, he or she can actually see the results of the procedure before leaving the office.
- Patients return to normal activities and work within 24 to 48 hours because the recovery and healing process is quick and virtually pain-free.
- The chance of noticeable scars is minimal. The incisions for the procedure close up within a couple of days, then blend into the natural skin tone. A few months later, if noticeable at all, these areas are easily mistaken for freckles.
Why choose Thigh WaterLipo®?
The answer is easy. If your self-image could be improved by removing unwanted saddlebags, then this elective procedure is right for you. You will experience better fitting clothes, improved confidence, tighter skin, and more youthful shape. These are just some of the reasons our patients choose to undergo thigh reduction. The WaterLipo® reduces the circumference of the thighs, smoothes out lumps, and restores proportion to the body.
What is the procedure like?
The safe, simple WaterLipo® procedure is performed in our office – under local anesthesia, Patients remain awake and alert. First, the skin is numbed and tiny incisions are placed in appropriate areas. Using a gentle stream of water, fat is then dislodged and literally washed away. The water jet cannula itself is only 3mm wide. Because it is so small, scarring is not an issue. The procedure lasts about one hour, and patients walk out of the office with newfound confidence.
Am I a good candidate for Thigh Liposuction?
People that have had issues with bulging thighs are generally good candidates. WaterLipo® using localized tumescent anesthesia is a very safe procedure. The majority of people who elect to have this kind of liposuction are women who carry most of their weight in the lower body. The procedure is just as effective for women in their 20s as it is for women in their 60s. It is an excellent procedure to restore the harmony of the lower body with the upper body in people who are somewhat disproportionate. Men are rarely good candidates for this procedure since they don’t normally accumulate fat around the thighs.
Will I have any scars or sagging skin?
Tiny incisions incisions are used for WaterLipo®. These incisions heal very quickly after the surgery and are virtually invisible after a few months.
Sagging skin is NOT a problem that we encounter with the WaterLipo® procedure. The water pressure used in this procedure appears to cause significant skin contraction. In more severe cases of loose skin, the addition of laser skin tightening during the procedure is used to create further tightening. In fact, most patients experience an improvement in skin tone and firmness after the procedure.
What are the post-surgery expectations for recovery?
Because WaterLipo® is such a safe and targeted procedure that utilizes water pressure to remove fat, the side effects are minimal and any discomfort or soreness goes away within a few days in most cases. There are no stitches and the tiny incisions heal within a couple of days. Patients may have mild discomfort and swelling, but they can walk, resume normal activities and return to work within 24 to 48 hours. Each patient is required to wear compression, undergarment around the surgical area for one week. This garment is not visible under your clothes.
Swelling after the procedure will subside after rapidly after the procedure. Results are noticeable immediately and will get even better over the next several months.
What if I do not want to be totally awake during my procedure?
We NEVER use general anesthesia for liposuction procedures because we feel it is simply unsafe. However, we do offer the option to do the procedure under “Twilight” which is essentially a slightly stronger form of sedation than the usual relaxing pills we provide for you. This type of sedation is EXTREMELY safe and adds virtually no additional risk the way general anesthesia does. Please let us know if this is something that you wish to discuss.
To learn more about WaterLipo®, please contact our friendly staff to set up a free consultation at 702-793-2190.